If your child is going to be absent from school please call: 834 5467 (then press 1 to record your message)
Text the school cellphone: 022 324 3942
e-mail: [email protected]
If for some reason your child cannot attend school, please notify the school by note, telephone message or email before 8:30am on that day. Please also give the reason your child is away (this is a ministry of education requirement).
Students who arrive after 8.50am MUST report to the school office to sign in. Please make your child aware that if they arrive after the bell has gone, they must report to the office to sign in avoiding the need to get in touch with parents.
If your child is to be absent for an extended period of time, please contact the Principal in writing.
If your family is going to be on holiday during term time, please also contact the Principal in writing.
Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless accompanied by a parent/caregiver. The teacher and office staff must be informed and the child signed out before leaving the school grounds.
Text the school cellphone: 022 324 3942
e-mail: [email protected]
If for some reason your child cannot attend school, please notify the school by note, telephone message or email before 8:30am on that day. Please also give the reason your child is away (this is a ministry of education requirement).
Students who arrive after 8.50am MUST report to the school office to sign in. Please make your child aware that if they arrive after the bell has gone, they must report to the office to sign in avoiding the need to get in touch with parents.
If your child is to be absent for an extended period of time, please contact the Principal in writing.
If your family is going to be on holiday during term time, please also contact the Principal in writing.
Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless accompanied by a parent/caregiver. The teacher and office staff must be informed and the child signed out before leaving the school grounds.